Sevier Valley OHV Club was founded in January, 2015 by a small group of avid ATV enthusiasts who love to ride and explore beautiful Utah, want to preserve our right to do so and believe that many others undoubtedly feel the same way, It is our sincere hope that like-minded riders will join us as we venture out to see what waits around the bend. Our OHV club rides and helps maintain the Paiute Trail System. We take time to clean and repair the trail. We also work at keeping the trails open so we can all enjoy them. We enjoy giving back to our local communities and are always looking for new members to join us in our endeavors. When there are more hands involved it means there is less work for each person and more time to ride! We meet once a month in Annabella at the City Park on the 3rd Tuesday of the month, 6:30 P.M. We try to ride at least two times a month and most rides are open to all sizes of machines. We don't require you to join our club to ride with us, but hope that after your adventure with us you will want to join. Yearly dues are $20 for an individual and $30 for a family. All of our rides and sister clubs are posted on our website seviervalleyohv.com. We also have a facebook page called Sevier Valley OHV. You can contact us at seviervalleyohv@gmail.com or by calling:
Doug - (702) 860-0995
Ed - (702) 283-7503
Sevier Valley OHV Club
P.O. Box 142
Richfield, Ut 84701
Club Officers:
Doug McMullin, President
Ed Bennett, Vice President
Cindy Welsh, Treasurer
Pauline Grant, Secretary
Ready to join us? Click here
What you can expect from SVOHVC:
- monthly meetings where all are welcome.
- a Club in which every member has a vote.
- full disclosure of all finances.
- a safe, friendly, family atmosphere
- a very busy ride schedule
- rides that will accommodate all skill levels
- active civic and community involvement
- emphasis on protecting the trails and our right to